21 May 2012

[ALPHA][ROM] Ideapad K1 ICS CM9 Port


Me and krook1 have been working on a CM9 port for the Lenovo Ideapad K1. This is an Alpha release as there is still a lot of work to be done. I have included instructions to either flash as an update.zip with CWM recovery, or if your still on stock you can use the nvflash package.

I have very limited time to invest to this project so if anyone would like to help please join us at freenode IRC room #ideapad-k1. The source code download link is posted below.

-Rotation Lock
-Internal and External Storage
-Audio (thx Koshu and digetx)
-HW Acceleration (thx digetx for green overlay fix)
-CWM Backup/Restore - Fixed by using updated CWM below

Not Working
-GPS? appears to work but doesn't connect?
-HD Video Streaming

Haven't tested HDMI out


Alpha 1.6
- Fixed storage issue
Alpha 1.5
- Bluetooth fix (Audio doesn't work?)
- Full market compatibility
- Hardware buttons
- Rotation Lock Switch (Functions, but doesn't notify the SW layer)
- External SD mounted at /sdcard/external_sd and linked to /mnt/sdcard2
- goo.im app OTA update compatibility
- Synced with CM9
- New CM9 Bootanimation
- nvflash package includes updated CWM with working backup/restore
Alpha 1.0
- Initial Release


As usual flash at your own risk



CWM Package

md5sum: 239091872daae568d7e9f1680ce49176

1. Place the update.zip on your external sdcard
2. Reboot into recovery. 
3. Wipe data/Factory reset
4. Install .zip from sdcard
5. Choose the update.zip and say Yes
6. Flash gapps (optional) 

Nvflash Package

md5sum: 7c34ec9242ab6ad4659b3bf310627ff4

Nvflash Windows Drivers
md5sum: 9aa3a4814ca63366329d85a22ed01f64

To boot into APX mode:
1. Power off
2. Hold down the Vol - and the Vol +
3. While holding the Volume keys down, Power on
4. The display should go black, and both LED's on either side of the home button should light up. This is APX mode.

How to flash:
1. Extract the K1_CM9_nvflash.zip contents to a directory
2a. If using Windows, double click the "flash-windows.bat" file
2b. If using Linux, cd into the extracted directory and run either "sudo ./flash-linux.sh" or "./flash-linux.sh" from a root prompt

Source Code



git clone git://github.com/khanning/android_device_ideapad_k1.git

Special Thanks

The entire Cyanogenmod team and everyone that has contributed to CM
All the developers that have made the source code for their device tree public. Thank you for helping to move the Android development community forward.

More info at: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1528775

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